Friday, September 17, 2010

[Not Working] Set-PSBreakPoint when a variable becomes $false

So I'm looking at a script from the Windows PowerShell Cookbook by Lee Holmes call Enable-BreakOnError and I want to do something similar by using Set-PSBreakPoint on a variable but only break when the variable is set to False. Here is Lee's function:

## Enable-BreakOnError
## From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O'Reilly)
## by Lee Holmes (

<# .SYNOPSIS Creates a breakpoint that only fires when PowerShell encounters an error .EXAMPLE PS >Enable-BreakOnError

ID Script Line Command Variable Action
-- ------ ---- ------- -------- ------
0 Out-Default ...

PS >1/0
Entering debug mode. Use h or ? for help.

Hit Command breakpoint on 'Out-Default'

PS >$error
Attempted to divide by zero.


Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

## Store the current number of errors seen in the session so far
$GLOBAL:EnableBreakOnErrorLastErrorCount = $error.Count

Set-PSBreakpoint -Command Out-Default -Action {

## If we're generating output, and the error count has increased,
## break into the debugger.
if($error.Count -ne $EnableBreakOnErrorLastErrorCount)
$GLOBAL:EnableBreakOnErrorLastErrorCount = $error.Count
Seems simple enough. So I set up a script to test my idea, and I cannot get it to work at all. Here is how I am testing this:

$Value = $True

Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable Value -Mode Write

$Value = $False
$Value = $False
$Value = $true
$value = $true

Get-PSBreakpoint | Remove-PSBreakpoint

So in using -Mode Write, this stops execution immediately before a new value is written to the variable, so it stops every time. This does not work for me because I need to know what $value is being set as, but it breaks before it is set. Is there a magical way around this?

1 comment:

  1. Not sure this is what you're looking for; there is no direct way, but you can parse the command and act on the value that $Value is assigned.

    # tested interactvely only, mind word wrap
    $Value = $True

    Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable Value -Mode write -Action {
    $v1 = $MyInvocation.MyCommand -replace '^.*Value\s*=\s*(\S+).*$', '$1'
    [Bool]$v2 = Invoke-Expression $v1
    if (-not $v2) {Write-Host -f 14 $v2}

    $Value = $False
    $Value = $False
    $Value = $true
    $value = $true
    Get-PSBreakpoint | Remove-PSBreakpoint
